ViralFX™ On Metals
For how long can metals be left in ViralFX™?
The original work carried out with ViralFX™ and metal instruments used brand new instruments of a very high quality. Against these ViralFX™ had very little or no corrosive effect.
In the real world, however, ViralFX™ will often be used on damaged instruments or instruments where the plating or surfacing has been partially removed. Considerable work has taken place with ViralFX™ and instruments and the key result of this is that if used correctly ViralFX™ will not damage instruments. By used correctly, we mean limiting the immersion time to no more than 10 minutes. Immersing instruments in ViralFX™ long term will undoubtedly lead to corrosion or damage. (The time scale required depends on the quality and type of metal involved.)
We therefore recommend that instruments are not left in ViralFX™ for more than 10 minutes. In fact, it is possible to both clean and disinfect instruments without any immersion whatsoever and the following procedure to be implemented in order to clean and disinfect metal instruments in one process:
a) Make up fresh 1% ViralFX™ solution. (10g of ViralFX™ powder per 1 litre of warm water).
b) Thoroughly clean the instruments in the ViralFX™ solution until all organic material is visibly removed.
c) Rinse the instruments in water.
The above procedure will give instruments which are both cleaned and disinfected (please note, if sterilisation is required then a further sterilisation process must take place).
By using this process your end users will be able to both clean and disinfect instruments without the possibility of corrosion occurring. It also has major advantages for end users in that it saves money both in terms of detergent and disinfectant chemicals used, but also in terms of staff time required.