On-Site Cleanup
On-Site Cleanup
A 1% solution of ViralFX™ is recommended to clean and disinfect agricultural facilities and equipment, military facilities and equipment; airport facilities and equipment, port facilities and equipment, rail facilities and equipment, quarantine facilities and equipment, slaughter facilities and equipment, and other shipping facilities and equipment where animals or soils suspected of harboring foot and mouth disease virus might have been previously present.
Within these facilities, treated objects include but are not limited to vehicles, farm equipment (including tractors, ploughing shares, cars and trucks, farm engines, harvesters, loaders, mowers, tillers and slaughter machinery), military equipment (including tanks and troop carriers), and shipping equipment (pallets, bins, and containers).
Spray ViralFX™ at 1% solution to disinfect and clean walls, ceilings, floors, decks, container surfaces, vehicles, wheels, water proof footwear (such as rubber boots), livestock equipment, utensils and instruments.
Do not immerse metal objects in ViralFX™ for long periods - 10 minutes is maximum contact time.
Human Health (Institutional And Service Facilities), Controls
Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV) Type 1 (on hard, non-porous surfaces), Streptococcus pyogenes, Campylobacter pyloridis, klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella choleraesuis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Candida albicans. Cover heavy spillage of body fluids with ViralFX™ powder. Let stand for 10 minutes, and then scoop into plastic bag. Treat bag and its contents as infectious medical waste.
Prepare 1% ViralFX™ solution according to the Dilution Chart. Apply to surface to be treated using a mop, sponge, brush or spray device until the surface is visibly clean. Air dry. With ViralFX™, only one product is needed to clean and disinfect all surfaces except acid-sensitive surfaces such as copper, brass, or aluminum. Do not use ViralFX™ on these acid-sensitive surfaces. Avoid splashing ViralFX™ solution on textiles or carpets. ViralFX™ may be used on carpeting or other textiles only if area is tested for color fastness before use and treated area vacuumed when dry.
Cleaning And Disinfecting Non-Food Contact Surfaces
Remove gross dirt and use 1.0% ViralFX™ solution prepared according to the Dilution Chart. Apply to surface using a mop, sponge, brushes or spray device until the surface is visibly clean. Air dry. In cases of fungalor viral contamination of non-food contact surfaces, follow these instructions substituting a 2.0% ViralFX™ solution.
Cleaning And Disinfecting Hard, Non-Porous Surfaces
Suspected Of HIV Type 1 Contamination
Cover heavy spillage of body fluids with ViralFx™ powder. Let stand for 10 minutes, and then scoop into plastic bag. Treat bag and its contents as infectious medical waste.
Prepare 1% ViralFx™ solution according to the Dilution Chart. Apply to surface to be treated using a mop, sponge, brush or spray device until the surface is visibly clean. Air dry.
Vetirinary Clinics
All surfaces should be treated with 1% ViralFX™ application for equipment and smaller surface areas and through a cloth or mop soaked in solution for large surface areas. Solution should be allowed to remain wet/damp for 10 minutes and then wiped dry. Body fluid spills – absorb vomitus with ViralFX™ powder until a damp slurry is achieved. This can then be scraped into clinical waste bags via paper towels, etc. Rinse the area of the spill with 1% ViralFX™ solution, stand for 10 minutes and then wipe dry.
Laundry – disinfect laundry in 1% ViralFX™ solution for 10 minutes before washing in normal manner on highest recommended temperature for the fabric. Check colour factures of fabric prior to soaking.
Community Settings
- Medical facilities, e.g. GP surgery and Primary Care, etc.
- Cleanse and disinfect facilities regularly (at least once a day) using 1% ViralFX™ solution.
- If facilities are contaminated with vomitus, soak up liquid with ViralFX™ powder, scrape up into clinical waste disposal containers (yellow bags). Rinse the affected area with 1% ViralFX™ solution, leave in contact for 10 minutes and wipe dry with paper towels and dispose.
- Ambulances : Wash/wipe vehicle compartments with 1% ViralFX™ solution regularly (at least once/day). If vehicle passenger compartments are contaminated with vomitus, treat as per the above.
- Public Places
- Cinemas, restaurants, schools, etc.
- Cleanse and disinfect facilities regularly (at least once a day) using 1% ViralFX™ solution.
- If facilities are contaminated with vomitus, soak up liquid with ViralFX™ powder, scrape up into clinical waste disposal containers (yellow bags). Rinse the affected area with 1% ViralFX™ solution, leave in contact for 10 minutes and wipe dry with paper towels and dispose.
- Wash/wipe vehicle compartments with 1% ViralFX™ solution regularly (at least once/day).
- If vehicle passenger compartments are contaminated with vomitus, treat as per the above.
Home & Office Settings
- Office furniture, equipment and lifts should be cleaned using 0.5% ViralFX™ solution – (5 gms /1 litre water in spray bottle). Wipe dry after 10 minutes contact.
- Toys, furniture, should be disinfected regularly (at least once/day) with 1% ViralFX™ in a spray bottle (10gms/1 litre water). Wipe dry after 10 minutes contact.
- Clothes – soak in 1% ViralFX™ after contact with SARS patient, e.g. hospital visit.
- Household surfaces - (e.g. counter on table tops, door knobs, bathroom fixtures) should be decontaminated if known to be affected by body fluids from an infected person or on a regular (once per day) basis as a preventative measure (body fluids such as sweat, mucous, vomit, blood or urine).
- Laundry – disinfect laundry in 1% ViralFX™ solution for 10 minutes before washing in normal manner on highest recommended temperature for the fabric. Check colour features of fabric prior to soaking.