ViralFX™ - Effective in Wide Range of Temperatures

The challenges of temperature in poultry production must be considered carefully.

In summer, Bovine, equine, aqua-culture, swine, poultry houses are warm environments. This means that a disinfectant applied to a warm surface can evaporate and dry within 20 minutes. These fast-drying conditions require the disinfectant to work effectively within minutes. However, some disinfectants can take an hour to be effective and in hot climates they may well be ineffective.

Effective low-temperature performance

The ability of a disinfectant to work well at low temperatures contributes to the value of its use on a daily basis. It is well established that the efficacy of disinfectants can decrease as temperature decreases. Further, it has been shown that formaldehyde exhibits reduced biocide performance when the temperature is lowered. Effectively, ViralFX™ maintains activity against various viruses at 5°C.

In the winter, when water temperatures can be less than 5°C, the diluted disinfectant must demonstrate ‘speed of kill’ and superior efficacy even at lower temperatures. Many disinfectants however struggle when faced with the combination of colder weather and organic challenges.

Bovine, equine, aqua, swine & poultry producers can be confident that ViralFX™ is highly effective on all surfaces across a wide range of temperatures. With quick activity when applied in recommended volumes (300mls per m2) and at a dilution of 1:100, if used as part of the terminal/clean out/turn around biosecurity programme, and following the operator’s cleaning of the surfaces with a compatible detergent.