Bovine Care
The most prevalent bovine disease in confined areas is respiratory disease and is usually virus-induced. These viruses are opportunistic and most often affect cattle with a weakened immune system. Shipping stress is the most common cause of a weakened immune system. These viruses harbor in the lungs of cattle and cause pneumonia.
Feedlot personnel walk through the cattle twice per day to monitor the cattle for symptoms of disease and the feed truck drivers look for cattle not interested in eating when they are fed. The infected cattle are removed from the pen and are sent for convalesce in a designated hospital pen with other sick cattle and are monitored. A licensed and experienced veterinarian prescribes treatment programs for these cattle.
According to a network of laboratories and collaborating centres ( working together on foot-and mouth disease (FMD), no longer exists in the U.S. nor in North American or Central America for that matter. Nor does it exist in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Chile and many countries in Europe. FMD is a disease of cloven-hoofed animals only, meaning that all domestic (and most wild) cloven-hoofed animals are susceptible, but other animals such as horses, cats, dogs, etc. cannot be infected with FMD.
In addition, FMD is considered to pose no risk to human health. Typically where it does occur, outbreaks of FMD have been successfully controlled through the use of quarantines and movement restrictions, euthanasia of affected and in-contact animals and cleansing and disinfection of affected premises, equipment and vehicles.
Mad cow disease (BSE) on the other hand is only spread by humans or animals consuming affected animal protein.
General Instructions
Remove livestock and pre-clean area to be treated. A 1% solution of ViralFX™ is recommended to clean and disinfect areas associated with bovine housing stabling, hospital quarantine pens, feedlot facilities, and agricultural production equipment such as trucks, water-proof footwear (such as rubber boots), and associated livestock equipment and instruments.
A 1% solution of ViralFX™ is recommended as a "one step" cleaning and disinfecting procedure for all surfaces, equipment, instruments, utensils and cages (caging systems) associated within Veterinary Medical Hospitals, infections disease wards, quarantine areas, Humane Society facilities, laboratory animal quarters, grooming and boarding facilities, kennels, catteries and animal transportation vehicles.
Do not immerse metal objects in ViralFX™ for long periods - 10 minutes is maximum contact time. The cattle are often given antibiotics to prevent secondary infection. These organisms do not spread unless by direct contact such as cattle in the same pen. Neighbouring cattle are not at risk.
Minor Use Permit
If your livestock are showing signs of foot-and-mouth disease, immediately call the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888
For free farm biosecurity advice and resources visit
“Minor Use Permit”
According to APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority).
ViralFX™ is currently allowed as a disinfectant for treatment of specified situations for FMD (foot and mouth disease virus) under Minor Use Permit PER83649. Valid till December 2023.