Clean Before Disinfection With Erazer™

Clean Before Disinfection With Erazer™

Disinfecting without cleaning properly is just a waste of money. For a disinfection programme to work to its full potential it is necessary to clean to the maximum levels before disinfecting.

  • Cleaning starts with removal of gross contamination and bedding. 
  • Next step is to remove movable equipment and then clean it. 
  • Followed by pressure washing of the building and equipment.
  • This is where many farmers go wrong - They wash with a powerful pressure-washer without using a heavy duty detergent. The final result might look clean, but  it is not  
Steps Bacteria Per cm² (TVC)

Immediately after animals are removed

After plain washing 20,000,000

After hot wash + Erazer - heavy duty detergent

After ViralFx™ disinfection < 500

From the above table it shows that washing reduces contamination by 60%, but using a heavy duty detergent first ( Erazer™) decreases the original burden by 99%. In fact 2000 times more bacteria are left if you don’t use a suitable detergent, and we haven’t even looked at viruses and other microorganisms.

The benefits of using a detergent don’t stop there. It showed that the wash time for a pre-soaked finisher room was reduced by 10% when detergent was used. This represents a time saving, but also reduces energy used, water used and slurry produced, all of which will have a financial benefit.

Erazer™ - Water Soluble Degreaser

Animal house is very heavily contaminated and much more difficult to clean than a food processing room. You need to use a specialist heavy duty detergent to get it properly clean.

  • This must be rapid acting and work on all surfaces found on a animal farm.
  • It needs a good degreasing action and must help remove contamination from poorly accessible places.
  • Ideally it should be applied through existing equipment, preferably as foam to increase contact time and allow staff to see where it has been applied.
  • It must work in hard water situations, and leave no residue which could make the floor slippery or harbor micro-organisms.
  • Except where there are special problems with lime scale it should be alkaline to help dissolve fats and proteins within animal dung. Importantly it must be non-toxic to animals and operatives.
  • It must have minimal environments impacts.
  • Finally the detergent used must not interfere with the disinfectant’s subsequent activity. 

Is it worth it?

Can you afford not to clean properly, or would you use a heavy duty detergent (Erazer™) in your programme and gain time, reduce water use, produce less waste water and save up to 3 - 5 days to slaughter? These benefits not only apply to the finishing herd, but also right through the entire production.

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