ViralFX™ - One Shot Bio-Disinfection
Environmental Profile
- ViralFX™ is an oxygen based disinfectant chemistry containing simple organic salts and organic acids.
- User Safety The active ingredient in ViralFX™, decomposes by a variety of routes within the environment, in soil and water, breaking down to form the harmless substances, potassium salts and oxygen.
- Three-quarters of the ingredients of ViralFX™ are inorganic, which decompose in the physical environment to naturally occurring simple inorganic salts.
- The remaining, organic components are classified as readily biodegradable according to standard OECD test results.
- ViralFX™ is not classified as R53, persistent in the environment, according to the standard European process for the classification and labelling of chemical preparations.
- Independent studies have shown that diluted ViralFX™ should not, when used as directed, pose any threat to sewage treatment facilities.
User Safety
The results of independent studies carried out in accordance with OECD guidelines indicated that ViralFX™ powder concentrate does not display effects of acute toxicity by exposure to skin or by ingestion.
As a result, ViralFX™ is not classified as harmful or toxic according to the standard European process for the classification and labelling of chemical preparations.
When tested in accordance with OECD test guidelines a 1%, in-use dilution, of ViralFX™ does not cause irritation to eyes or skin.
ViralFX™ powder and in-use dilution (1%) does not cause effects of sensitisation when tested to OECD guidelines.
Virkon® S and ViralFX™
There is no difference between Virkon® S and ViralFX™
The formulation and its ingredients are 99.9% same.
- Powerful - proven effective against viral, bacterial and fungal disease-causing organisms.
- Fast-acting - a one percent solution of ViraFX™ is proven to kill bacteria with contact times as low as five minutes to ten minutes or less.
- Versatile - surface, equipment, vehicle & foot-dip.
- Effective on porous surfaces, at low temperatures (-5°C to 45°C) and in the presence of organic challenge.
- Readily soluble in tap water or hard water, ViralFX™ dissolves into a pink solution.
- Environmentally acceptable product with an exceptional safety profile towards man and animals when used and disposed of as instructed on the label.
- Transport and storage - being a powdered disinfectant formulation ViralFX™ can be swiftly transported by air and can be stored for long periods making it the ideal choice for stockpiling in bulk.