ViralFX™ Poultry Care

However, this is merely the tip of the iceberg. Viral challenges can be the triggers for a whole range of problems which may never even appear as clinical disease but can have an even more devastating effect on overall flock performance, production and profits.

Viruses are common, insidious and remarkably persistent. Despite the availability of a range of high quality vaccines, their efficacy is enhanced by effective reduction in viral load on farms.

The best efficacies are with ViralFX™ and the use of an oxidising compound such as ViralFX™ reduced the overall minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs).

  • ViralFX™ has proven efficacy against a spectrum of viral challenges expected on poultry farms when used effectively as part of a structured Biosecurity programme
  • ViralFX™ is a fast-acting disinfection, at a dilution rate of 1:100, has proven efficacy against E. Coli, Salmonella arizona, Staphylococcus aureus.
  • ViralFx™ is a powdered peroxygen which is made up into solution. Has proven high levels of activity against a wide range of common egg pathogens. It is safe in use for both operators and eggs
  • ViralFx™ can be used for a complete disinfection programme in the hatchery
  • ViralFx™ has two main advantages, safety and speed.
  • ViralFx™ Effective Against Super-Resistant Salmonella Strains
  • ViralFx™ is free from possible Salmonella resistance build-up and the continued use of an oxidising disinfectant reduces the potential infectivity of these super strains.