AusVet - Animal Health Australia Approval

Animal Health Australia, AusVet, Letter of approval application AusVet - Animal Health Australia is an innovative partnership involving the Australian Government, state and territory governments, major livestock industries and other stakeholders.
In emergency disease control (EDC), the Australian and New Zealand governments employ the most authoritative approach with their AUSVETPLAN, which forms the basis for plans in other countries, including Canada, the USA and Mexico, as well as the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) – the world organisation for animal health.
The AUSVETPLAN classifies eligible disinfectants into four categories and specifically cites eight products by name as being particularly suitable for EDC (Emergency Disease Control).
All the disinfectants selected by the AUSVETPLAN are so called 'basic' chemicals. Only ViralFX™ and another competitive brand are modern formulated brand.
Getting approval is a long term strategy and requires lots of procedure and other approvals.
Presently, approval of ViralFX™ is at a preliminary stage. Grant of approval might take longer than usual time due to some internal departmental changes within AusVet.