• Broad spectrum disinfectant in bovine care
    ViralFX™ kills pathogens faster
  • ViralFX™ Disinfection Mats
    Available in 2 convenient sizes
  • A preferred bovine production veterinary disinfectant
    for routine day to day disinfection
    and emergency disease control
  • Dependable disinfection in swine care
    Proven to kill over 500 strains of viruses, bacteria and fungi
  • Effective protection in poultry care
  • Hatchery & Broiler Disinfectant
  • Broad spectrum disinfectant in equine care
    Recommended as hard surface disinfectant in
    livestock protection & transportation facilities
  • A preferred equine care veterinary disinfection
    for routine day to day disinfection & disease control
  • The veterinary clinic disinfectant you can trust
    One shot bio-disinfection solution for waiting rooms,
    floors, corridors, operating & consulting tables

What is ViralFX™?

Modern healthcare and public health continue to advance at a breath-taking rate.
Yet infectious bacterial and viral diseases still present an enormous threat to all of us.

Livestock Disinfection has been in use ever since 1867 as “Phenol”, Hypochlorite’s (Bleaches) since second half of the 19 th century. The new approach to disinfection (Chlorhexidine) was introduced in 1949 and the modern infection control Virkon® (ViralFX™) being the ideal disinfectant for the 1990’s.

ViralFX™ is the most advanced antibacterial, antiviral livestock farm / animal disinfectant. It is one of the first oxidative disinfectants to be used on the livestock farm and continues to lead the way in livestock production and farm biosecurity, having been deployed successfully against 500 disease-causing pathogens.

Farm disinfectant, bio-degradable, livestock antibacterial


ViralFX™ is environmentally safe and completely biodegradable. ViralFX™ is an oxygen based disinfectant, containing simple inorganic salts and organic acids which decompose into harmless metabolites in the process..
Proven Broad Spectrum antibacterial, antiviral farm disinfectant


ViralFX™ is effective against numerous microorganisms affecting animals: viruses, gram +ve and gram -ve bacteria, fungi (molds and yeasts), and mycoplasma. ViralFX™ Effective against several Animal Zoonotic pathogens.
Non corrosive, biodegradable bio-disinfectant for bio-security


Hypochlorite(Bleach) Solution are highly corrosive to metal surfaces and will also adversely affect other materials such as silicone sealants. ViralFX™ powder is corrosive. However, once diluted in water becomes non-corrosive.
Compatible, safe farm bio disinfectant


ViralFX™ is compatible with a wide range of materials including stainless steel, plastics & rubber. Corrosivity trials were performed according to the British Crop Protection Council Testing Scheme using a 1% ViralFX™ ..
APVMA approved farm bio disinfectant antibacterial anti viral disinfection


ViralFX™ is a registered product with Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA) licensee product for routine day to day disinfection and Emergency Disease Control. ViralFX™ is a multi-purpose disinfectant.


ViralFx-Allround-Disinfectant Powder based farm livestock disinfectant
ViralFX™ is powder based formulation, has excellent stability and long shelf-life, scores over other common disinfectants


ViralFx-Allround-Disinfectant Distributors required for livestock farm bio disinfectant
Spick n Clean™ is seeking sales & technical representation for its range of ViralFX™, saniTizer™ & Erazer™


Animal / livestock farm Bio Disinfectant, antibacterial antiviral disinfection

ViralFX™ provides a wide range of applications for commercial livestock producers, veterinary hospitals ....


Proven antibacterial antiviral disinfectant for farm and livestock and hospitals

ViralFX™ is designed & formulated for speed of kill. Other disinfectants have limited spectrum..


All-round Disinfectant, antibacterial, antiviral, hospital disinfectant

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